Arnel Aquino, SJ
Softly as the night kindles candle light,
Gently as the twilight heralds eventide
Jesus comes to me, calms me tenderly
Whispering all my weariness away
Once upon a Thursday night,
A supper did renew my life
Once upon a garden prayer,
cried "My Solitude is high now..."
Softly as the night kindles candle light,
Gently as the twilight heralds eventide
Jesus comes to me, never fearful shall I be.
Once upon a Thursday night,
A supper did renew my life.
Once upon a garden prayer,
cried "My Solitude is high now..."
Whose but Savior's night, who but God's Delight
Who but he whose night His friends had left behind can
Fill my emptiness and promise me a sunrise?
Jesus Lord of life...candle of the night
Sweet solitary life.