Ave Maria, O Maiden, O Mother

1. Ave Maria, O Maiden, O Mother,
fondly thy children are calling on thee;
thine are the graces unclaimed by another,
sinless and beautiful Star of the sea.

Mater amabilis, ora pro nobis,
pray for thy children who call upon thee;
Ave Sanctissima, Ave Purissima,
sinless and beautiful Star of the sea.

2. Ave Maria, the night shades are falling,
softly, our voices arise unto thee;
earth’s lonely exiles for succour are calling,
sinless and beautiful Star of the sea.

Mater amabilis…

3. Ave Maria, thy children are kneeling,
words of endearment are murmured to thee;
softly thy spirit upon us is stealing,
sinless and beautiful Star of the sea.

Mater amabilis…

4. Ave Maria, thou portal of heaven,
Harbor of refuge, to thee do we flee:
Lost in the darkness, by stormly winds driven,
Shine on our pathway, fair Star of the Sea!

Mater amabilis…

Slovac Hymnal

At Break Of Dawn

At break of dawn I will rise and sing praise to You,
God of land and sky and sea,
I will rise to greet each new day with a song of praise.

Yahweh to You the earth belongs,
Yahweh, the world is Yours.

Wondrous and great are all Your works,
Wondrous and full of life.

Happy are they who know the Lord.
Happy and blest are they.

Thank Him, thank Yahweh for His love.
Thank Him with heart and voice.

Yahweh, send forth Your Spirit
and fill our hearts with love.

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