One Bread One Body

One bread, one body, one Lord of all,
one cup of blessing which we bless.

And we, though many,
throughout the earth,
we are one body in this one Lord.
Gentile or Jew
servant or free,
woman or man, no more.

One bread, one body,
one Lord of all,
one cup of blessing which we bless.
And we, though many,
throughout the earth,
we are one body in this one Lord.

Many gifts, Many the works
One in the Lord of all.

Eye Has Not Seen

Eye has not seen, ear has not heard what God has ready for those who love him;
Spirit of love, come, give us the mind of Jesus, teach us the wisdom of God.

When pain and sorrow weigh us down, be near to us, O Lord,
forgive the weakness of our faith, and bear us up within your peaceful word.

Eye has not seen, ear has not heard what God has ready for those who love him;
Spirit of love, come, give us the mind of Jesus, teach us the wisdom of God.

Our lives are but a single breath, we flower and we fade,
yet all our days are in your hands, so we return in love what love has made.

Eye has not seen, ear has not heard what God has ready for those who love him;
Spirit of love, come, give us the mind of Jesus, teach us the wisdom of God.

Marty Haugen

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