To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King

To Jesus Christ, our Sov’reign King,
Who is the world’s salvation,
All praise and homage do we bring,
And thanks and adoration.

Christ Jesus Victor, Christ Jesus Ruler!
Christ Jesus, Lord and Redeemer!

Thy reign extend, O King benign,
To ev’ry land and nation,
For in Thy kingdom, Lord divine,
Alone we find salvation.

To Thee and to Thy Church, great King,
We pledge our hearts’ oblation,
Until before Thy throne we sing,
In endless jubilation.

Blessed Be God

Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation,
Thanks to your goodness this bread we offer:
Fruit of the earth, work of our hands,
It will become the bread of life.

Blessed be God! Blessed be God!
Blessed be God forever! Amen!
Blessed be God! Blessed be God!
Blessed be God forever! Amen!

Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation,
Thanks to your goodness this wine we offer:
Fruit of the earth, work of our hands,
It will become the cup of joy.

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