Hear, O Lord

Hear, O Lord, the sound of my call.
Hear, O Lord and have mercy.
My soul is longing for the glory of You
O hear, O Lord, and answer me.

Every night before I sleep, I pray my soul to take.
Or else I pray that loneliness is gone when I'm awake

Why do I no longer feel, like I've a place to stay?
Take me where someone will care, so fear will go away

 Ray Repp

He Is The Lord

Sing to the Lord with shouts of joy, let all creation rejoice!
Come join the song of praise to our God!
He is the Lord! He is the Lord!

Cry out with joy to the Lord, all you nations!
Serve the Lord, Serve the Lord
Come before Him singing for joy!

Give thanks to God our Father, for all His Love.
Bless our God. Bless our God.
His mercy is forever!

Great is the King of creation, He is faithful
Praise His name. Praise His name.
Sing of His salvation!

 David Haas

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