New Life, New Creation


New Life, new creation, alive our sense of wonder.
The time has come to be reborn, the Kingdom is right here.
//The Kingdom is right here.//(end)

Do we know within us the call to change our hearts?
If we do, the Spirit is alive in us. (Ref)

Do we wish to be made whole in a living faith?
If we do, the Spirit is alive in us. (Ref)

 G. Norbert, OSB

New Life

New Life! New Life! You came to bring us new life.
New Life! New Life! We find such joy in Your abundant life.

You are the source of our great joy;
the fountain of all life.
You give us living water;
You bid us come and drink.
We come to You; we bless You, Lord;
we glorify Your name! We praise You, Lord;
we worship You; We thank for Your gift of our new life!(Ref)

You are the source of our new life; in Your light we see light.
You show to us Your goodness; You bid us taste and see.
We come to You; we bless You, Lord;
We glorify Your name! We praise You, Lord;
We worship You; we thank You for Your gift of new life! (Ref)

Carey Landry 

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