Praise The Lord: Psalm 46

Praise the Lord, O my soul,
I will praise the Lord all my life.
I will sing praise to my God while I live,
I will sing praise to my God.

Put not your trust in princes,
in those in whom there's no salvation.
When their spirits depart they turn to dust on that day their plans die.

Happy are they whose hope is God,
whose help is in the Lord, their God.
Who made the heavens, the stars and skies above,
the earth and all that it holds.

Millie Rieth 

Mountains And Hills

Come now to the Lord with your singing
and your dancing with trumpets and guitars sound His praise.
The mountains and the hills will rejoice in your singing;
the rivers will clap their hands.

Give thanks to Him for He is good,
For His glory will last forever.
He is the Lord of lords.
Forever will be His love. (Ref)

He it is who does great wonders;
by His wisdom He made the heavens.
He fashioned the land and the seas.
Forever will be His love. (Ref)

Dan Schutte, S.J

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