Now Let Us All With One Accord

Now let us all with one accord,
In fellowship with ages past, 
Keep vigil with our heav'nly Lord.
In his temptation and his fast

The covenant so long revealed
To faithful men in former time, 
Christ by his own example sealed,
The Lord of love, in love sublime.

This love, O Lord, we sinful men
Have not returned, but falsified;
Author of mercy, turn again,
And see our sorrow for our pride.

Remember, Lord, though frail we be,
By your own kind hand were we made;
And help us, lest our frailty
Cause your great name to be betrayed.

Therefore we pray you, Lord, forgive;
So when our wanderings here shall cease,
We may with you for ever live,
In love and unity and peace.

Hear us, O Trinity sublime,
And undivided unity;
So let this consecrated time
Bring forth its fruit abundantly.

 Ex More Docti

The Master Came

The Master came to bring good news,
The news of love and freedom,
To heal the sick and seek the poor,
To build the peaceful kingdom.

Father, forgive us!
Through Jesus hear us!
As we forgive one another!

Through Jesus Christ the Law's fulfilled,
The man who lived for others,
The law of Christ is love alone,
To serve now all our brothers,

To seek the sinners Jesus came,
To live among the friendless,
To show them love that they might share
The kingdom that is endless.

Forgive us, Lord as we forgive
And seek to help each other,
Forgive us Lord, and we shall live
To pray and work together.

Gabriel Huck

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