Take Up Your Cross

Take up your cross, the Savior said,
If you would my disciple be;
Deny yourself, the world forsake, 
And humbly follow after me.

Take you your cross, let not its weight
Fill your weak spirit with alarm;
His strength shall bear your spirit up,
Shall brace your heart and never your arm.

Take up your cross, then in his strength, 
And ever'y danger calmly brave, 
To guide you to a better home, 
And vict'ry over death and grave.

Take up your cross and follow Christ,
Nor think till death to lay it down;
For only he who bears the cross
May hope to wear the glorious crown.

To you, great Lord, the One in three,
All praise for evermore ascend;
O grant us here below to see
The heav'nly life that knows no end.

Charles William Everest

Grant To Us

Grant to us, O Lord, a heart renewed;
Recreate in us your own Spirit, Lord!

Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord our God,
When I will make a new convenant

With the house of Israel.

Deep within their being
I will implant the law;
I will write it in their hearts.

I will be their God
And they shall be my people.

And for all their faults
I will grant forgiveness;
nevermore will I remember their sins.

Lucien Deiss

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