Draw Near, O Lord

Draw near, O Lord, our God, graciously hear us,
Guilty fo sinning before you.

O King exalted, Savior of all nations, 
See how our grieving lifts our eyes to heaven; hear us,
Redeemer, as we beg forgiveness.

Might of the Father, Keystone of God's temple,
Way of salvation, Gate to heaven's glory;
Sin has enslaved us; free your sons from bondage.

We pray you, O God, throned in strength and splendor,
Hear from your kingdom  this, our song of sorrow;
Show us your mercy, pardon our offenses.

Humbly confessing countless sins committed,
Our hearts are broken, laying bare their secret;
Cleanse us, Redeemer, boundless in compassion.

Innocent captive, unressisting victim, 
Liars denounced you, sentenced for the guilty;
Once you redeemed us: now renew us Jesus.

Attende Domine
Translator: Melvin Farell, S.S.

This Is Our Accepted Time

This is our accepted time,
This is our salvation;
Prayer and fasting are our hope
Penance our vocation.
God of pardon and of love,
Mercy past all measure,
You alone can grant us peace,
You our holy treasure.

Lord, look down upon your sons,
Look upon their yearning;
Man is dust, and unto dust
He shall be returning.
Lift him up, O Lord of life,
Flesh has gained him sadness,
Hear his splea, bestow on him
Everlasting gladness.

Michael Gannon

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