Lord, Your Glory In Christ We Have Seen

Lord, your glory in Christ we have seen,
Full of goodness and full of grace:
In Christ let us live anew,
Fill us with his love,
And all men shall see the fruits of your victory.

The Almighty has planted his seed in the earth:
He tended well the grain and he waits for the rebirth.

The Almighty has ground all the grain for the feast:
He made it into flour, and he waits for the yeast.

The Almighty has given his body for man:
He broke for us the bread, and he waits like a lamb.

The Almighty was given a crown made of thorn:
It pierced him till he bled and he waits: do we mourn?

The Almighty did suffer and evil destroy:
He died to ease our pain, and he waits for our joy.

Dieu, nous avons vu ta gloire, D Rimaud

Creator Of The Earth And Skies

Creator of the earth and skies,
To whom all truth and power belong,
Grant us your truth to make us wise;
Grant us your power to make us strong.

We have not known you: to the skies
Our monuments of folly soar,
And all our self-wrought miseries
Have made us trust ourselves the more.

We have not loved you: far and wide
The wreckage of our hatred spreads,
And evils wrought by human pride
Recoil on unrepentant heads.

We long to end this worldwide strife:
How shall we follow in your way?
Speak to mankind your words of life,
Until our darkness turns to day. 

Donald Hughes

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