At Evening

1. Now it is evening, lights of the city.
Bid us remember, Christ is our Light.
Many are lonely, who will be neighbor?
Where there is caring; Christ is our Light.

2. Now it is evening, little ones sleeping.
Bid us remember, Christ is our Peace.
Some are neglected, who will be neighbor?
Where there is caring, Christ is our Peace.

3. Now it is evening, food on the table.
Bid us remember, Christ is our Life.
Many are hungry, who will be neighbor?
Where there is caring Christ is our Life.

4. Now it is evening, here in our meeting.
May us remember, Christ is our Friend.
Some may be strangers, who will be neighbor?
Where there's a welcome, Christ is our Friend.

 David Haas

As The Deer Longs

Refrain: As the deer longs for running streams,
so I long, so I long for you.

1. Athirst my soul for you, the God who is my life!
When shall I see, when shall I see, see the face of God?

2. Echoes meet as deep is calling unto deep,
over my head, all your mighty waters, sweeping over me.

3. Continually the foe delights in taunting me:
"Where is God, where is your God?"
Where, O where are you?

4. Defend me, God, send forth your light and your truth,
they will lead me to your holy mountain, to your dwelling place.

5. Then I shall go unto the altar of my God.
Praising you, O my joy and gladness,
I shall praise your name.

 Bob Hurd

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