Bread That Was Sown

Bread that was sown in our hills and valleys,
Now harvested, becomes one; from all the world gather your people, O God,
into the feast of your love.

1. With grateful hearts, we sing our joy for knowing Spirit within among us all;
Life and knowledge revealed through your word: Jesus, the Christ, Emmanuel.

2. Leaven and wheat so let us be for others, nurturing good with earnest care,
Bringing to birth new life where hope has gone stale,
Faith-giving moments to share.

3. Sign of the nearness of one whose Life sustains us,
Heart of our heart, Creator Friend,
Calling us all to be spirit alive;
You God our future lasting life.

4. Bread that was sown in our hills 
And valleys now harvested becomes One;
From all the world gather your people,
O God, into the feast of your love.

Bread Of Life

I myself am the bread of life.
You and I are the bread of life,
Taken and Blessed,
Broken and shared by Christ
That the world might live.

1. This bread is spirit,
Gift of the Maker's love,
And we who share it,
Know that we can be one.
A living sign of God in Christ. Refrain.

2. Here is God's kingdom
Given to us as food.
This is our body,
This is our blood.
A living sign of God in Christ. Refrain.

3. Lives broken open, 
Stories shared aloud, 
Become a banquet,
A shelter for the world.
A living sign of God in Christ. Refrain

Rory Cooney

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