Come To The Table

Come to the table, enter His presence
Feast with thanksgiving and celebrate His love.  
Come to the table, enter His presence
Feast with thanksgiving and celebrate His love.

1. This is the house of the Lord,
The gates are opened wide
 Sinners and saints, strong and faint
All welcome to come inside. Refrain.

2. This is the table of the Lord, 
His banquet satisfies,
Food for the soul, it makes us whole
One body, we now arise! Refrain

 Moses Catan

Come Be In My Presence

Come be in my presence.
Come rest in my love.
Place your lives in my keeping.
Let your thoughts turn towards heaven above
In quite thanksgiving,
Your praise I'll receive I am with you forever.
You are blessed. You believe.

1. Were not our hearts burning within
As he spoke to us on the road?
In breaking the bread, we have known him.
We proclaim Christ Jesus as Lord. Refrain

2. He promised he'd grant all that we ask!
He sent us the Spirit as pledge
Of the Kingdom he said was within us, 
In our future with God in this bread.
Refrain 2x

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