How Can I Keep From Singing

1. My life flows on in endless song,
  1. above earth’s lamentation.
    I catch the sweet, though far-off hymn
    that hails a new creation.

  2. Refrain:
  3. No storm can shake my inmost calm
  4. While to that Rock I’m clinging.
  5. Since Christ is Lord of heav’n and earth,
  6. How can I keep from singing?
  7. 2. Through all the tumult and the strife,
    I hear that music ringing.
    It sounds and echoes in my soul,
    How can I keep from singing?
  8. 3. What though the tempests 'round me roar,
    I hear the truths it lives.
    What though the darkness 'round me close,
    Songs in the night it gives.
  9. 4. When tyrants tremble, sick with fear,.   And hear their death knells ringing.     
    When friends rejoice both far and near,  How can I keep from singing?
  10. 5. The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart,                                                                   
    A fountain ever springing.                           
    All things are mine since I am His,             
    How can I keep from singing?

Here We Are

Here we are, all together
As we sing our song joyfully.
Here we are, joined together
As we pray we'll always be.

1. Join we now as friends
And celebrate the fellowship we share, all as one.
Keep the fire burning, kindle it with care and we'll all join in and sing. Refrain.

2. Let us make the world an alleluia!
Let us make the world a better place.
Keep the smile handy, have a helping hand.
Let us all join in and sing. Refrain

3. Glorify the Lord with all our voices,
Show him we're sincere by all our deeds.
Shout the joys of freedom everywhere
And we'll all join in and sing. Refrain.

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