Living Sacrifice

Take my life a living sacrifice,
Knowing it’s the least that I can do.
Make my life a living sacrifice,
Holy and acceptable to You

1. I looked upon my life
and realized at last within myself there’s nothing I can do.
And yet here I stand to offer all I am
and give myself completely Lord to You.

2. I cannot be content
until I've reached that place.
How little I have given up to You.
Lord, break down my will,
Make my desires your own.
I long to give my everything to You. Refrain 2x.

Coda: Holy and acceptable to you.

Chris Christian

Like a Shepherd

Like a shepherd he feeds his flock and gathers the lambs in his arms.
Holding them carefully close to his heart, leading them home.

1. Say to the cities of Judah: Prepare the way of the Lord.
Go to the mountain top, lift your voice; Jerusalem, here is your God. Refrain.

2. I myself will shepherd them,
For others have led them astray.
The lost I will rescue and heal their wounds and pasture them, giving them rest.

3. Come unto me if you are heavily burdened,
and take my yoke upon your shoulders, 
I will give you rest. Refrain.

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