Immaculate Mary

Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing.
You reign now in splendor with Jesus our King.

Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria!
Ave, Ave, Maria!

Predestined for Christ by eternal decree
God willed you both virgin and mother to be
To you by an angel the Lord God made you known
The grace of the Spirit, the gift of the son

Most blessed of all women, you heard and believed
Most blest in the fruit of your womb then conceived

The angels rejoiced when you brought forth God's son
Your joy is the joy of all ages to come

Your child is the savior, all hope lies in him
He gives us new life and redeems us from sin

In glory forever now close to your Son
All ages will praise you for all God has done

Jeremiah Cummings

Lawas ug Kalag

Lawas ug kalag
Ihatag ko kanimo ang tanan
Kasakit ug kalipay
Kagul-anan ug kalampusan

Ginoo, ania ako andam sa kanunay
nga moalagad kanimo
Ginoo, dawata ako
Matuman ko unta ang tanan nga mga sugo mo
Sa adlaw gabie, sa takna nga tanan pagdaygon ka
Salamat Ginoo sa way katapusan
mong gugma

Ikaw da ang among dalangpanan
Ikaw ang makahupay sa among suliran
Kanimo walay kapildihan
Ikaw ang tinubdan sa kaluwasan

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