Lose Yourself in Me


Lose yourself in me, and you will find yourself.
Lose yourself in me, and you will find new life
Lose yourself in me, and you will find yourself.
And you live, yes, you will live in my love.

Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground,
It still remains but a grain of wheat.
But if it falls and dies then it bears much fruit.
So, it is with those who lose themselves in me

Though foxes have their dens, birds a little nest
The son of man, no place to rest.
Whoever loves his life or strives the world to gain
Will only find that life was lived in vain.

4. If we have died with him, we shall live with him.
If we endure we'll reign with Him
Though faithless we may be, faithful He'll remain
For how can Christ be false unto Himself

Carey Landry

Lord Teach us to Pray

Lord teach us to pray,
It's been a long and cold December kind of day.
With our hearts and hands so busy in our private little wars,
We stand and watch each other now
From sep'rate shores, we lose the way

I need to know today the way things should be in my head.
I need to know for once now the things that should be said.
I've got to learn to walk around as if I were not dead.
I've got to find a way to learn to live.

I still get so distracted by the color of my skin.
I still get so upset now when I find that I don't win. 
I meet so many strangers I'm so slow to take them in.
I've got to find a way to really live.

I stand so safe and sterile as I watch a man fall flat.
I'm silent with a man who'd like to know just where I'm at.
With the aged and the lonely I can barely tip my hat
I need to see the sin of "I don't care."

I stand so smug and sure before the people I've out-guessed;
to let them and be who he is I still see as a test.
And when it all comes down to "must," I'm sure my way is best.
I've got to find what "room" means in my heart.

I walk and fall, myself alone, can't tolerate a guide.
And when the camps split up I'm sure to put you on my side and dare someone to challenge me and swear I will not hide.
I've got to find a better way to live.

I mouth so many things, take so little time to weigh;
I've let it all slip by in the sweep of yesterday.
I can't believe you mean it all to grace me on my way;
I've got to find a way to really live.

Lord, teach us to pray.
We still believe that we can find a better way.
Teach us to pray.
We lose the way.
Teach us to pray.
Joe Wise

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