Manoling Francisco, SJ
The God of silence beckons me to journey to my heart,
Where He awaits.
O Lord I hear You calling tenderly;
To You I come to gaze at the beauty of Your face I cannot see;
To rest in Your embrace I cannot feel;
To dwell in Your love hurting but sweet;
To be with You, to glimpse eternity
God of night, fount of all my delight.
Show Your light that my heart like Yours burn bright.
Be still the torment of the night,
Will not encumber you, if you believe
My child this darkness isn't emptiness.
For here I mold your heart
Unto My image painfully you long to see
The self you yearn to be, but fear to know;
The world from which you flee, in Me find home,
All these I give you, if you remain in Me.
I am ever here.
My child, you need not fear.
The dark will set you free
And bring your heart to Me.
The God of silence beckons me
To journey to my heart
Where He awaits me.
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